Monday, August 8, 2011

My first book submission... finally!

There are some areas of my life where I can really take charge, make a decision, and get things done quickly.  Trying to get a book published is not one of them.  I started writing my first book in 1993 or 1994.  I just now submitted my first proposal to publishers.  That's only 17 years later.  I think that's a record for procrastination.  Maybe it took me that long to finally realize that no one else is going to do this for me.  No one else is going to help me publish my book.  No one else is going to introduce me to an agent.  No one is going to write the proposal for me.  It's up to me, and it's time to quit talking and actually do something.

I don't know why it was so hard.  I know that I can write.  I know that I have something that people will want to read.  I know that my particular style is unique and will resonate with some readers.  And yet, I have been unable (until now) to finish writing a manuscript proposal.  Thankfully, that's all in the past.  I've busted through whatever the blockage was.  Some might say "fear of failure" and others might say "fear of success".  I wonder what it is.  I think success, because I honestly don't think I'll fail.  I've been blessed with the faith that I can do whatever I set my mind to doing.  It's just that I haven't set my mind to really being successful.  Until now.

For this first step, I have 2 people that I want to thank.  The first one is Rudy Shur, who wrote a book titled "How to Publish your Nonfiction Book".  It's a great book that explains very simply and in great detail, how to "maximize your odds of getting your work in print".  The second one I want to thank is my sister, Janet, for editing my submission.  I had no idea that she was so good at it.  You may be sorry, Janet, because now you're going to have to edit my whole book!

Who wants to place an order for my book when it's published?  Maybe if I can show a publisher that I already have 4 people lined up to buy it, they'll be more likely to spend thousands of dollars to publish it.  What do you think?


  1. Kuddos, Alice!!!! I will place an order for your book! Linda

  2. Count me in! Are you using a pseudonym?

  3. Alice, I'm in for book #3. Can't wait to read it. Samir
