Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Common mistakes: Assuming that she’s having fun just because you're having fun.

 You and your girlfriend are going to have different likes and dislikes (unless you find a girlfriend who is exactly like you).  You are not always going to enjoy the same activities.  You need to always be alert to her fun meter to make sure it is registering, especially when you’re having a blast doing something with your friends or something that you like but she doesn’t.  Let’s say that you love going to tractor pulls.  Not only has she never been to a tractor pull, but she can’t imagine why anyone would pull a tractor, let alone why anyone else would want to watch.  So, you already know that this is going to be a challenging situation.  Your best bet might be to find a buddy to go with you and leave your girlfriend alone for an exciting (in comparison) night of watching nail polish dry.  But if you absolutely need to introduce her to tractor pulls, then you need to be prepared to be extra patient, extra attentive, and even be prepared to leave before all the festivities are over.  Make her feel like she is important and that her happiness is important.  Explain the rules, the strategy, the machinery, and most importantly, buy her at least 2 beers to help her forget where she is.  Then you can enjoy the show.  But never forget that she's not you.  Just because you're having fun doesn’t mean that she is.  You have to watch her nonverbal cues.  While you're laughing and carrying on, if you look over and she has a pained expression on her face, it’s either diarrhea or lack of fun.  The mistake that some people make is in yelling over the cheering of the crowd “isn’t this fun?” without even looking at her for a response.  This does not meet the criteria for checking up on her.  All it does is alleviate your guilt because you can say that you asked her.  If you do happen to sincerely check her expression or she tells you that she’s ready to go halfway through the event, you must be prepared to leave.  Now you’ve had your fun (or at least half of it) and you’ve shown her that you care about her.  You’re a winner tonight!

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