Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What kind of girlfriend is right for you?

Why is it that opposites attract, but we always seem to be looking for "like-minded" partners?  We want someone who likes to do the same things we like to do.  We want someone who believes in the same things we believe in.  We want someone who is stable, dependable, trustworthy, and honest (even though we may not be).  But in many cases, we're attracted to the exact opposite.  What's up with that?

If you are shy, quiet, and introspective, you may be attracted to someone who is outgoing, extroverted, and who says everything that pops into her head.  She's going to seem like lots of fun... for awhile.  But can you live with that kind of person for long?  She'll probably drive you crazy after a month or two or even a year.  And you'll drive her crazy too. 

So, before you start writing your wedding vows with the first girl who smiles at you, take a good hard look at your age, maturity level, attitude, and the amount of patience that you possess.  You may prefer a young inexperienced girlfriend, who like a puppy, will be easily molded by your personality.  She will pick up your neuroses, bad habits, impatience, and behavior problems.  That's a big responsibility.  If you're worried that she may develop an uncontrollable tic after being exposed for long periods of time to your influence, then consider an older, more mature girlfriend.  You'll know more about how she will turn out.

The down side of this is that you don't know what kinds of things in her background will surface down the road.  You don't know what kind of baggage she's carrying until she hits you over the head with it.  You might be tempted to search for someone who has no baggage, but that's almost impossible.  You'd have to go back to early childhood, and even if it wasn't illegal and immoral, you probably wouldn't really be happy with a 2 year old for a girlfriend.  So, decide on something within the range of no experience to someone who's been married 14 times and is still looking for the "right one".

Why can't anything be simple?

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