Monday, July 11, 2011

Reason #2 for wanting a girlfriend

“All my friends have one and I feel left out because I don’t have one.”

This is a very understandable reason since we are in a society that caters to couples.  We feel like there’s something wrong with us if we are alone and we feel like a third wheel if we are always with friends who are coupled.  They even feel awkward and many times feel the urge to fix us up with someone.  We may be perfectly OK with being alone, but the weight of society’s judgment  eventually makes us believe that there is something wrong with us for enjoying being alone. 

A girlfriend will allow you to enter the realm of couples and fit in.  It will gain you entrance to that world.  Like a puppy owner, you can now go to the dog park and people won’t look at you weird, wondering if you’re a pervert for hanging around the dog park without a dog.  Now you fit in.  And everything is great while you are with your couple friends. 

But what happens when you leave and now you want to go back to your normal routine and here is this girlfriend who wants to spend some time with you?  You figure that you were just spending time with her because you were out at the dog park and you wanted to hang out with all the dog park dogs.  But she’s not satisfied with that.  She wants to sit on your lap and wag her tail and look up at you with those big brown eyes.  Well, you weren’t planning on that because you just got her to go with you to the park so you ignore her and go about your business.  Puppies will lay down and go to sleep and when they wake up they will have forgotten all about that slight, but girlfriends are a whole other story.  She will expect that attention, and rightly so.  She will not forget and you will pay for it at a later date.  Next time you want to go to the park, she’ll remember what happened afterwards, and she won’t want to go quite so badly.  She may go, but each time it happens, she’ll want to go less and less until eventually she refuses to go with you.  Now she serves no useful purpose since you can’t use her anymore to get into the club, so you’re going to have to get a new one and start all over again.  This will lead to an ugly break-up full of pain, crying, and anger.  And all you wanted was someone to help you be part of the couples world.  Maybe the singles world isn't so bad after all.

(As a side note... I was at a dog park a couple of evenings ago with my dogs.  There was a guy standing there watching all the dogs and I asked him which dog was his.  He said that he didn't have a dog but that he liked watching them.  Since I was friendly and introduced myself he kind of latched onto me.  After a few minutes, it started feeling weird that he was there without a dog.  I started to wonder what he was up to.  I'm sure it was perfectly innocent, but I did have to wonder.)

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